
Om...with a kick!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

A week without OmKicking!

How have I survived? I have been exceptionally busy, so whenever OmKicker gets kicked to the curb, that's why. I have been working out this week though. Today I did my interval training to boost my metabolism as my dietician recommends. It's basically doing an activity slow for a couple minutes, then putting the pedal to the metal for the next few minutes. This goes on for 30 minutes. I did it on the treadmill and walked/ran. I was pretty proud of myself, actually. I ran at a rate of 5.5 mph for the "push" minutes and walked at 3.2 mph for the "walk" minutes. Now I'm back to following her nutrition plan, which I will admit with much guilt to not following for the last two years. Ouch. That's a lot of guilt. Good thing I'm not Catholic.

Speaking of which...

I am getting a jump on my next Boston University class, The Moral Self, which I start on Monday. I'm reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. The question is, do we need God to be good?

That reminds me of another good read, Nick Hornby's How to be Good. You should read it just because it is good and it's by Nick Hornby, one of my favorite writers.

So there hasn't been much kick and definitely no OM for the last week. But I'm getting back on track. That's the whole point -- you can always get back on track. Don't let the guilt bother you! Just shake it off, get back on that meal plan, and back on that treadmill.


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